Estate Planning

Would You Make This Million Dollar Mistake?

Imagine this: You’re in your twenties, just starting your career. You fill out a form at work, naming your live-in significant other as the beneficiary of your retirement account. You start contributing to your retirement account, and it begins to grow. Fast-forward 28 years—you’ve long since ended that relationship, lived a full life, and then died. But you never changed that beneficiary designation, and now that ex-partner is entitled to your million-dollar retirement nest egg, leaving your family with nothing. This situation, if not addressed, could lead to significant financial loss for your loved ones. 

Does this sound far-fetched? It’s not. This is precisely what happened in a high-profile lawsuit involving Margaret Losinger, her former boyfriend, Jeffrey Rolison, his estate, and Proctor and Gamble, the Company he worked for during those 28 years. The lawsuit, which gained national attention, serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of updating beneficiary designations.

Here’s a closer look at this shocking real-life story, the lessons we can learn, and how having a trusted advisor at every stage of life can protect you from making a million-dollar mistake like this or any other errors you might be overlooking. 

What Happened?

In the 1980s, Jeffrey Rolison dated Margaret Sjostedt, and the two lived together. Rolison worked at a Procter & Gamble (P&G) plant, where he signed up for a profit-sharing and savings plan. In 1987, he listed Sjostedt as the sole beneficiary of his retirement account. The relationship ended two years later, and both moved on. Sjostedt eventually married, taking on the last name Losinger. 

Rolison, however, never updated his beneficiary designation on his retirement plan. In 2015, Rolison passed away at age 59, single and childless, with no will and no guidance on who should inherit his assets. His retirement account, which had grown to $1.15 million, was still designated to Losinger, nee Sjostedt.

Rolison’s brothers, Brian and Richard, were shocked when they learned that Losinger was the beneficiary of Rolison’s retirement account. They believed their brother wouldn’t have intended for his long-ago ex-girlfriend to receive his retirement savings. The brothers filed a lawsuit against P&G and Losinger in 2017, trying to get the money directed to Rolison’s estate. 

On April 29, 2024, an appeals court issued an order, ruling that Losinger was entitled to the money. After fighting for four years, Rolison’s family lost their claim, the million dollars in Rolison’s retirement account, and all the legal fees and court costs invested in the fight. Because we have no doubt you wouldn’t want this to happen to your family, read on. 

Why Even “Simple Estates” Require Trusted Guidance

Before we go on, I’ll clarify estate planning, how beneficiary accounts factor in, and why you likely need the guidance of a trusted advisor, even if you think you don’t have an estate, your estate is “simple,” or you don’t really need an estate plan. Even if you don’t consider yourself wealthy or think your estate is straightforward, you still need an estate plan to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. 

What estate planning is. Many people consider estate planning something only needed by the wealthy or the elderly. As you can see from this case, that’s just not true. Rolison wasn’t rich when he named Losinger as the beneficiary of his retirement account. And he probably wasn’t wealthy when they broke up. Nevertheless, not having an estate plan or the trusted guidance he would have needed to know what he needed, he made his ex-girlfriend a wealthy woman and cost his siblings a lot of time and money in the process.

At the most basic level, estate planning is about ensuring all of your assets pass to the people you want in the way you want, with the proper guidance and support to ensure that happens with the least effort, cost, and mess possible. It’s also about ensuring that if you become incapacitated, your wishes are known, honored, and able to be followed with the least cost and the most privacy possible. 

Most importantly, estate planning is about your choices and your freedom. So, how important is it to you that you have a say in what happens to you, your hard-earned assets, and your loved ones when the time comes? If it’s important, you need an estate plan. It’s truly as simple as that. Otherwise, the government gets to decide on your behalf. When you create an estate plan, your wishes override the government’s plan for you and your loved ones. 

How Beneficiary-Designated Accounts Factor Into Your Estate Plan

Beneficiary-designated accounts—like retirement accounts or life insurance—are part of your estate plan. Beneficiary designations override the government’s plan for you and, if you created one, whatever you might have written in your will or trust. 

From the case I shared here, we learn that Rolison did not have a will, but it would not have made a difference even if he had. Beneficiary designations come before any will or trust, even if you made the designations years ago. 

Beneficiary forms are powerful documents. They determine who gets your retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and bank accounts, often taking precedence over your will. If you filled out a beneficiary form years ago and still need to update it, the person named on it will likely receive the assets, regardless of your current wishes. So, the biggest takeaway from the Rolison/Losinger story is that beneficiary accounts are an integral part of your estate plan and should be reviewed regularly. This is why we include a review of your accounts, beneficiary designations, and an inventory of your assets – plus, we have to update programs for ongoing review – in all of our Life & Legacy Plans.

Why You Need Regular Reviews of Your Accounts and Beneficiary Designations

Rolison’s case highlights that it’s easy to forget about your beneficiary designations, especially if they were filled out years ago. However, the case also tells us that neglecting to update your accounts can lead to unintended consequences and legal battles for your loved ones. Regular reviews of your accounts and beneficiary designations can prevent such situations, making you feel proactive and in control of your financial future. 

In Rolison’s case, his brothers argued that P&G failed to inform him about his beneficiary designation adequately. They claimed the company provided insufficient warnings when it changed service providers and in its monthly statements. However, most companies do not remind you to review and update your beneficiary accounts. When was the last time your bank reminded you to review the beneficiary designations on your checking account (if ever)? What about your life insurance company? And if not, have you taken it upon yourself to check your beneficiary designations regularly? Your life is busy enough. Is this a priority? 

If not, it should be. In its decision, the court stated that it ruled in favor of P&G and Losinger because the individual is responsible for keeping beneficiary information current. 

How Accountability Makes All the Difference

Your life is busy. Sometimes, making it through the day with all your responsibilities can be challenging. Probably the last thing on your mind is planning for your death and incapacity. The second-to-last thing is reviewing and updating your beneficiary accounts. You’re probably thinking you can do it later.

But the truth is this: “later” could be tomorrow. We all know we will die; we just don’t know when. Death doesn’t care about your age or how busy you are. I’m not saying this to scare you. It’s a fact, and I want you to be prepared so that what happened to the Rolison family won’t happen to yours. Death doesn’t have to be scary. When you plan for it, you’ll find that you can live your life with more purpose and peace of mind, knowing you’ve done the right thing for your loved ones. 

If this sounds good, know that having a trusted advisor who is there for you throughout your lifetime can make all the difference. That’s why my Life & Legacy Planning process includes regular check-ins and reviews of your plan, including your beneficiary accounts. The best part is you never have to think about it alone! Unlike most lawyers who do estate planning, I will remind you regularly to update your plan – and keep you accountable. I’ll also be there for you as life changes so your plan reflects your current wishes. Together, we’ll ensure your family inherits your accounts, not an ex-girlfriend you dated 40 years ago. 

We Do the Heavy Lifting, So You Don’t Have To 

When it comes to planning for your death and incapacity, we do the heavy lifting for you, freeing you to concentrate on your responsibilities to your family, your work, and yourself. We help you create a Life & Legacy Plan so that your loved ones stay out of court and conflict and that your plan works when needed. Once you’ve made your plan, you can rest easy knowing your wishes will be honored, your loved ones cared for, your property protected, and your plan updated throughout your lifetime. 

If you’ve already created your Life & Legacy Plan with us, keep an eye out for our reminders to review and update it. If you know that you need to update your plan due to a life change, don’t hesitate to call us immediately.

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute consultation to learn more.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

Understanding the Intersection of Love and Law

Love is wonderful—joyful moments, shared dreams for the future, and yes, some legal considerations too. For married couples, the law has default provisions in place for what happens to your assets if one of you dies, but those default plans may not align with your personal preferences or the life you’ve built with your partner.

If you’re an unmarried couple, the absence of a plan could leave you vulnerable, risking the loss of assets or the inability to make crucial decisions about your property or your medical choices.

To better understand how a lack of planning can leave you and your partner out in the rain, let’s look closer at these important areas that are affected when a relationship ends through death or divorce.

1 | Property Ownership 

Let’s say you and your partner purchase a home and other assets together. Without clear documentation outlining ownership rights, a dispute can arise if the relationship ends in a breakup. But breakups aren’t the only danger. 

If you aren’t married and one of you passes away, the other partner might find themselves without a rightful claim to the property, potentially facing homelessness or a significant financial loss. 

If you own any property with anyone else or if you want to ensure your property lands in the hands you choose in the event of your death, plan for that property as soon as possible.

2 | Healthcare Decisions

In the unfortunate event of a medical emergency where one partner becomes incapacitated, lacking appropriate legal documentation could impede the other partner’s ability to make critical healthcare decisions on their behalf. This can lead to delays in medical treatment or disagreements among family members over the person’s treatment, causing unnecessary stress and complications during an already challenging time.

3 | Guardianship for Children

For couples with children, failing to establish guardianship arrangements in the event of both parents’ incapacity or death can have devastating consequences. Without a designated guardian, children may be placed in the care of individuals who may not align with your wishes or values, leading to potential custody battles and emotional upheaval for the children and your extended family.

If you and your partner end your relationship without coming to a mutual agreement on a guardian for your children, things could get even more chaotic – especially if one of you has documented your desired guardian and the other partner hasn’t.

Worst of all, typical wills don’t cover planning for the needs of minor children sufficiently. It’s why we offer the Kids Protection Plan®, specifically designed to ensure your children are never raised by anyone other than people you know, love and trust, and are never taken from your home, into the care of strangers. 

4 | Business Interests

If you and your partner share business interests or investments, the lack of a solid plan could jeopardize the future of these assets. Without clear instructions, the surviving partner may face challenges in managing or transferring ownership of these assets, potentially leading to financial instability or the dissolution of the business.

Be Proactive, No Matter What the Future Holds

In each of the scenarios above, the absence of proactive estate planning measures leaves individuals vulnerable to legal and financial uncertainties. By taking proactive steps that consider what will happen when your relationship ends, couples can safeguard their assets, ensure their wishes are honored, and provide peace of mind for themselves and their loved ones.

Not sure how to start the conversation with your partner?

Start by explaining to your partner your desire to safeguard the life you’re building together.  Just as relationships evolve over time, your wishes and how they are documented should too. Continuously engaging in dialogue and revisiting your plans ensures they remain aligned with your evolving needs and aspirations.

Let Us Make It Easy to Plan Ahead

Whether you’ve already started the conversation with your partner or need more guidance, planning for the future of your relationship can feel overwhelming. We can help.

At our firm, we don’t merely dispense legal counsel; we safeguard your love story. We comprehend the profound significance of your relationship and are dedicated to ensuring its protection. And whenever (and however)  your relationship ends, we’ll work with you to create a plan that considers these contingencies ahead of time so you and your loved ones can avoid the stress, conflict, and chaos that comes with incomplete planning.

To learn more about how we approach estate planning from a place of heart, schedule a complimentary 15-minute call with our office.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

10 Life Events That Signal It’s Time to Review Your Estate Plan – Part 2

You might think that estate planning is something you can complete one time and then check off your to-do list for good. But the reality is that in order for your estate plan to work for you no matter how your life changes, your plan needs to change with it.

To make sure any big changes in your life are considered in your plan, I recommend reviewing your estate plan with your attorney at least every three years. But if any major life events happen before then, it’s crucial to have your plan reviewed as soon as possible so it can be updated if needed.

Last week, we started to explore 10 life changes that might affect your estate plan. This week, we’re covering five more life events that mean it’s time to review your plan.

06 | You Became Seriously Ill or Injured

A sudden illness or injury can leave you incapacitated and unable to manage your affairs. Therefore, it’s essential to review your estate plan to ensure it includes Powers of Attorney for healthcare and finances. These documents let you name someone you trust to pay your bills and manage your assets, as well as make medical decisions for you if you can’t speak for yourself.

It’s also important to include healthcare directives that describe what kind of healthcare you want if you become incapacitated. This can include dietary restrictions or preferences, religious beliefs, or limits to certain treatments or life-sustaining measures. By legally documenting your healthcare choices, your Power of Attorney will feel more comfortable in the role and will be able to make medical decisions for you that align with your wishes.

07 | You Moved Here From Another State

Each state has its own laws and regulations regarding estate planning, so if you moved here from another state after completing your estate plan, it’s crucial to have your plan reviewed by a local attorney. If your existing plan doesn’t meet our state’s requirements for how an estate plan is signed or witnessed, or contains terms or processes that differ from the processes of our state, this can cause delays when your plan needs to be used and may even require a court to review its validity.

Reviewing your plan with a local attorney and making any changes to comply with our laws will make sure that your estate plan can be relied upon at any moment without delay or confusion.

08 | You Got Married

Marriage brings about not only joy and celebration but also important legal updates that are easy to put off. When you tie the knot, your estate plan needs to reflect your new marital status, especially if it is your second or third marriage. 

To make sure your assets will go to your new spouse if you die or become incapacitated, it’s essential to update beneficiaries and make arrangements for shared assets. Additionally, you might consider creating provisions to protect your spouse financially and emotionally in the event of your passing.

09 | You Got a Divorce

The end of a marriage is a significant life event that requires immediate attention to your estate plan. After a divorce, you’ll likely need to revoke and redo your entire estate plan. This includes creating a new Will and Trust, updating beneficiary designations on life insurance and retirement accounts, and revising asset distribution to reflect your new circumstances and relationships.

If you have children from your previous marriage, you may need to revisit guardianship arrangements and provide for their financial needs accordingly.

10 | The Law Changed

Tax laws are subject to change, and revisions to estate tax exemptions can have a substantial impact on your estate plan. If there are significant changes in federal or state estate tax laws, it’s crucial to review your plan with an estate planning attorney to minimize tax burdens and protect your wealth for your loved ones. 

Even if you weren’t affected by federal or state estate taxes in the past, changes in federal estate tax law are scheduled for 2026, so now is the time to review whether this change will affect your family’s estate tax filing status. Estate taxes can cost your family tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, but these tax liabilities are optional and can be avoided with proper estate planning.

By Your Side Through All of Life’s Changes

Your estate plan serves as the bedrock protecting your family and finances, not just for today but also for the future. However, estate planning isn’t a one-time task – it should adapt and evolve alongside the changes in your life.

My mission is to be by your side through all of life’s changes, ensuring your estate plan remains up-to-date and effective no matter what life brings your way. That’s why I offer my clients a complimentary review of your estate plan every three years, and I encourage you to reach out at any time before then with questions about life changes or events that might affect your plan.

If you’re ready to create an estate plan that protects your loved ones and your legacy, or want your existing plan reviewed, give me a call. I’d be honored to help ensure your family’s well-being for years to come.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

10 Life Events That Signal It’s Time to Review Your Estate Plan – Part 1

Maybe you thought that creating a Will or Trust is something you can do once and then your family and assets are protected forever after. It seems to be how most lawyers structure their services, so it wouldn’t be surprising if you did think this. You work with your lawyer, they draft documents, you bring them home in a binder or notebook, put them on a shelf or in a drawer, and you never hear from them again. Estate plan, done. But, it’s not. Thinking of it this way could leave your family with a big mess when something happens to you. 

In reality, life events can drastically affect your estate plan and even cause your plan not to work in the way you intended. To make sure your plan remains up-to-date throughout your life, we recommend reviewing your plan at a minimum of every three years. Because I am so passionate about this, I offer to review my clients’ plans every three years for free. 

And, if any of these ten life events happen before your three-year plan review, you’ll want to have your plan professionally reviewed right away. Let’s take a closer look at these ten life events and how they can affect your estate plan and what changes may be required.

01 | Your Assets or Liabilities Changed

Life is full of changes, and your financial situation is unlikely to stay the same over time. Changes in your assets, such as acquiring a new home or other assets, selling property, or incurring debt should prompt a review of your estate plan. You may need to update asset distribution, beneficiary designations, and financial provisions to reflect these changes accurately and ensure that the people you love receive what you intend when you die. Most importantly, you need to update your asset inventory every time your assets change, and if you do not have an asset inventory, update your plan to ensure you have an inventory included. The biggest risk to your family in the event of your incapacity or death is that they do not know what you have, where it is or how to find it. We solve this by creating and updating your asset inventory, regularly.

02 | You Bought, Sold, or Started a Business

Owning a business adds another layer of complexity to your estate plan. If you’ve recently bought or sold a business, it’s essential to update your plan to reflect what you want to happen to your business when you die, ensure a smooth transfer of ownership (if desired), and create a plan to protect your business assets for yourself and your loved one’s future. 

The financial and personal value of your business can be a significant gift to your loved ones both today and for years to come – if you know how to incorporate it into your estate plan in the right way.

03 | You Welcomed a Child to Your Family

Welcoming a new child into your family is an incredibly joyful moment. As a parent, it’s essential to update your estate plan to include provisions for your child’s well-being and financial future. This includes naming Guardians for minor children, creating a Kids Protection Plan®, and ensuring their financial security through Trusts or other means. It’s also important to document your wishes for your child’s education, religion, and values in your plan so that their legal Guardians will know how you would want your child raised if something happened to you.

04 | Your Minor Child Reached the Age of Majority (or Will Soon)

As your children grow up and reach the age of majority, it’s time to review how they will receive their inheritance, make sure someone can legally make healthcare decisions for them, and manage their money in the event they become incapacitated. Depending on their level of maturity, you may want to consider if they are ready to handle assets on their own and if so, what amount. 

An even better idea is to provide lifelong protection of your child’s inheritance through the use of a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust. By using this estate planning tool, your child’s inheritance can be used to support your child’s future while safeguarding its use and protecting it from any potential future lawsuits or divorces your child may face later in life. This ensures that your children are financially secure as they head into adulthood while also supporting your children with financial responsibility.

05 | A Loved One Dies

The loss of a family member is emotionally devastating, and it can significantly affect your estate plan. If a deceased loved one was a recipient of assets under your Will, Trust, or financial accounts, it’s crucial to update these documents to make sure your assets will be distributed to the right people. Additionally, if the deceased individual was designated as a Trustee or Executor of your estate or a Guardian of your minor children, you will need to appoint new individuals to fill these roles.

Planning for Life’s Changes

Your estate plan is the foundation that protects your family and your finances today and in the future. But estate planning is not a set-it-and-forget-it task; rather, your estate plan should change and evolve with the changes in your life. 

We’re here to guide you through life’s changes to keep your estate plan up-to-date and effective, so you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your plan will work exactly how you want it to when your loved ones need it most.

If you’ve recently experienced a significant life event or it’s been a while since your last estate plan review, now is the time to review your plan. If you haven’t created an estate plan yet, it’s better to plan early than to have no plan at all. 

To get started, schedule a free 15-minute discovery call to learn more about my process where we’ll discuss your family dynamics and goals, address any changes in your life, and create a comprehensive estate plan that brings you peace of mind.

Plus, don’t forget to return next week when I’ll be discussing five more life events that signal it’s time to review your plan.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

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