Estate Planning

How To Pass On Family Heirlooms and Keepsakes Without Causing A Family Feud

When creating an estate plan, people are often most concerned with passing on the “big things” like real estate, bank accounts, and vehicles. Smaller items, like family heirlooms and keepsakes, which may not have a high dollar value, frequently have the most sentimental value for our family members. However, these personal possessions are often not specifically accounted for in wills, trusts, and other estate planning documents. 

It’s important that you don’t overlook this type of property in your estate plan, as the distribution of such items can become a source of intense conflict and strife for those you leave behind. In fact, if you don’t properly address family heirlooms and keepsakes in your estate plan, it can lead to long-lasting disagreements that can tear your family apart.

Little Things With Big Value

Heirlooms and keepsakes are both prized for their sentimental value, but these possessions are slightly different from one another in terms of the manner in which the items are passed on. 

Heirlooms: Heirlooms are passed down among family members for generations, and the passing of heirlooms sometimes involves traditions. 

Keepsakes: Keepsakes, on the other hand, are possessions that are given or kept specifically for sentimental or nostalgic reasons, and these items may only get passed on once. 

Although just about any personal possession could be considered an heirloom or keepsake, some of the most common examples of these items include the following:

  • Jewelry
  • Photographs
  • Books
  • Art
  • Musical instruments
  • Furniture
  • Clothing
  • Bibles
  • Recipes
  • Family documents (such as birth certificates, baptism records, and citizenship papers)
  • Collections (such as sports memorabilia, coins, stamps, and doll collections)

Issues Raised By Passing On Heirlooms & Keepsakes

In the legal world, both heirlooms and keepsakes are considered “non-titled personal property.” Given the potential trouble the distribution of heirlooms and keepsakes can cause for your heirs, you’ll want to take extra care in seeing that these family treasures are passed on properly. And this means incorporating them into your estate plan in one way or another. 

Strategies For Peacefully Distributing Heirlooms & Keepsakes

While there is no one perfect way to distribute these items in your estate plan, your primary goal should be to maintain harmony among your loved ones during an already emotional time. As with most sensitive issues, clear communication is vital to this process.

Because your family members can have vastly different values associated with certain heirlooms and keepsakes and you may have little idea about how each person feels, you should speak with each family member in advance. By talking with family members about their feelings and expectations regarding your possessions ahead of time, you will have a much better idea how to distribute these items to your loved ones with the least amount of conflict.

Additionally, you should decide ahead of time if you need to have any of your heirlooms or keepsakes appraised. In doing so, you provide your heirs with the necessary documentation to gauge the monetary value of these items. Again, the manner in which you distribute your heirlooms and keepsakes will depend largely on the items you have to pass on and your specific family situation. 

That said, here are a few estate planning strategies to consider when passing on these precious possessions:

Gifting during your lifetime: Of course, you don’t have to wait until you die to pass on your heirlooms and keepsakes, and you may prefer to give away certain special items while you are still living. By doing so, you get to personally witness the joy your loved ones experience when they receive the gift, and you can also personally explain the reasons you want each person to have a particular item.  

If your heirlooms and/or keepsakes have a high monetary value, you should keep gift tax issues in mind when you give them away. If you have possessions you want to give away that might trigger gift taxes, meet with us to discuss your options.

Include items in your estate plan using a personal property memorandum: As with other assets you want to pass on after your death, you should include heirlooms and keepsakes in your estate plan by adding them to your will or trust. The best way to do this is by using what’s known as a personal property memorandum.

A personal property memorandum is a separate document that is referenced in your will or living trust. The memorandum allows you to list which items you wish to leave to each individual and detail the reasons you are giving each item. In many states, if it’s properly incorporated into your will or trust, a personal property memorandum is a legally binding document.

Furthermore, unlike a will or trust, you can create and update your memorandum without a lawyer’s help. You can change your memorandum as many times as you like, just make sure you sign and date it each time to ensure authenticity. Your memorandum can be as long or short as you like, which allows you to account for even the smallest or seemingly insignificant possessions.

Most types of tangible personal property can be included in your memorandum, but it’s important to note that you cannot list certain assets in a memorandum, including titled property, such as real estate and vehicles; assets with a beneficiary designation, such as life insurance, 401(k)s, and bank accounts; or intellectual property, such as works protected by a copyrights or trademark. If you are unsure if you should include a certain possession in your personal property memorandum, consult with us.

Pass on the values and stories behind the possessions: You may want to consider making audio recordings to accompany your heirlooms and keepsakes. In this way, your loved ones not only get to hear your voice, but they will also be able to learn the stories behind the possessions, as well as the reasons why you gave each person a particular item. 

Maintain an inventory of your assets: Of course, if no one can find your heirlooms and keepsakes, they aren’t going to do anybody any good. It’s vital that you create and maintain a comprehensive inventory of all of your assets, including each of your family heirlooms and keepsakes and make sure your inventory stays consistently updated throughout your lifetime. 

Keep The Peace After You Are Gone

To ensure your heirlooms and keepsakes don’t create any unnecessary conflicts among your heirs, make sure that your estate plan includes all of your assets, especially your family heirlooms and keepsakes. We can support you to ensure these precious treasures are protected and preserved as part of your Life & Legacy Plan, and that they pass to each of your loved ones in exactly the manner you would want, without causing a family feud. 

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

Protect Your Children’s Inheritance With A Lifetime Asset Protection Trust

As a parent, you’re likely hoping to leave your children an inheritance. In fact, doing so may be one of the primary factors motivating your life’s work. But without taking the proper precautions, the wealth you pass on is at serious risk of being accidentally lost or squandered due to common life events, such as divorce, serious debt, devastating illness, and unfortunate accidents. 

Creating a will or a revocable living trust offers some protection for your kid’s inheritance and you can set parameters for distribution at specific ages and stages. In our planning process, we offer parents the option of creating a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust for their children’s inheritance. These unique trusts safeguard your kids’ inheritance from being lost to common life events, such as divorce, serious illness, lawsuits, or even bankruptcy.

These trusts offer kids the best of both worlds: 1) airtight asset protection and 2) the ability to use and control their inheritance. You can even provide your heirs with a unique educational opportunity in which they gain valuable experience managing and growing their inheritance. 

Not Only For The Super Rich

Contrary to what you might think, Lifetime Asset Protection Trusts are not just for those with massive wealth. In fact, these trusts are even more useful if you’re leaving a relatively modest inheritance because they can be used to educate your children about how to grow your family wealth, instead of quickly blowing through it.

Not All Trusts Are Created Equal

When it comes to leaving an inheritance, most lawyers will advise you to place the money in a revocable living trust, which is the right thing to do. However, most lawyers would have you distribute the trust assets outright to your loved ones at specific ages, such as one-third at 25, half of the balance at 35, and the rest at 40. Check your own trust to see if it does this or something similar. 

But giving outright ownership of the trust assets in this way puts everything you’ve worked so hard to leave behind at risk. While a living trust may protect your loved ones’ inheritance as long as the assets are held by the trust, once the assets are disbursed to the beneficiary, they can be lost to future creditors, a catastrophic accident or illness, divorce, bankruptcy—or even a major lawsuit. 

Rather than risking their inheritance by leaving it outright to your children at certain ages or following certain life events, such as graduating college, you can gift your assets to your children at the time of your death using a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust. When you gift the inheritance to your kids via a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust, the Trustee of the trust owns the assets, not your children. A Lifetime Asset Protection Trust can be built into a revocable living trust, which becomes irrevocable at the time of your death and holds your loved one’s inheritance in continued protective trust for their lifetime.

A Trustee of your choice holds the trust assets upon your death for the benefit of your child or children. Because a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust is discretionary, the Trustee has the power to distribute the assets at their own discretion, instead of being required to release them in a rigid structure. This discretionary power enables the Trustee to control when and how your kids can access their inheritance, so they’re not only protected from outside threats like ex-spouses and creditors, but from their own poor judgment as well. 

A Lifetime Of Guidance & Support

Given that distributions from a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust are 100% up to the Trustee, you may be concerned about the Trustee’s ability to know when to make distributions to your child and when to withhold them. Granting such power is vital for asset protection, but it also puts a lot of pressure on the Trustee, and you probably don’t want your named Trustee making these decisions in a vacuum.

To address this issue, you can write up guidelines to the Trustee, providing the Trustee with direction about how you’d like the trust assets to be used for your beneficiaries. This ensures the Trustee is aware of your values and wishes when making distributions, rather than simply guessing what you would’ve wanted, which often leads to problems down the road.

In fact, many of our clients add guidelines describing how they’d choose to make distributions in up to 10 different scenarios. These scenarios might involve the purchase of a home, a wedding, the start of a business, and/or travel. Some clients choose to provide guidelines around how they would make investment decisions, as well. This is something we can support you with if you decide to use a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust.

An Educational Opportunity

Beyond these benefits, a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust can also be set up to give your child hands-on experience managing financial matters, like investing, running a business, and charitable giving. And he or she will learn how to do these things with support from the Trustee you’ve chosen to guide them.

This is accomplished by adding provisions to the trust that allow your child to become a Co-Trustee at a predetermined age. Serving alongside the original Trustee, your child will have the opportunity to invest and manage the trust assets under the supervision and tutelage of a trusted mentor.

You can even allow your child to become Sole Trustee later in life, once he or she has gained enough experience and is ready to take full control. As Sole Trustee, your child would be able to resign and replace themselves with an independent trustee, if necessary, for continued asset protection.

Regardless of whether or not your child becomes Co-Trustee or Sole Trustee, a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust gives you the opportunity to turn your child’s inheritance into a valuable teaching tool. Do you want to give your child the ability to leave trust assets to a surviving spouse or a charity upon their death? Or would you prefer that the assets are only distributed to his or her biological or adopted children? You might even want your child to create their own Lifetime Asset Protection Trust for their heirs.

Find Out If A Lifetime Asset Protection Trust Is Right For Your Family

Of course, Lifetime Asset Protection Trusts aren’t for everyone. If your kids are going to spend the vast majority of their inheritance on everyday expenses and consumables, they probably don’t make much sense. But if you want the assets you are leaving behind to be invested and grown over the long term, even through their own business or investments, a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust can be immensely valuable.

When you meet with us, we will work with you to look at  your family circumstances and your assets to decide together if a Lifetime Asset Protection Trust is the right option for your loved ones. In the end, it’s not about how much you’re leaving your heirs that matters. It’s about ensuring that what you do pass on is there when it’s needed most and put to the best use possible. Schedule a complimentary call today to learn more.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

What You Need To Know About The Corporate Transparency Act Reporting Deadline

Business ownership is a fulfilling and exciting endeavor, but it also comes with rules, responsibilities, and reporting requirements that can be hard to track. If you own a small business or have a Trust that owns a business interest, you’ll need to comply with the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA).

Beginning January 1, 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) will require small companies to disclose the names of any owners who hold a 25% or more ownership interest in the company, as well as any individuals who exercise significant control over the company’s activities. This new rule also applies to Trusts that own or control a company.

The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) was enacted in 2020 to enhance corporate transparency and prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes. By requiring businesses to report information about their owners and controllers, the Act seeks to make it easier to identify “shell” corporations – companies that don’t actually perform an active business or trade and which are often used to move money around illegally. 

Since money laundering and terrorist financing are usually conducted using small businesses, the Act largely aims to collect information on these companies, so entrepreneurs and small business owners should take extra care to meet the filing requirements.

What Must Be Done to Comply with the CTA?

In order to comply, a business must file an annual report to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) with the following information on each owner or controller of the business:

  • Business name and current business address
  • State in which the business was formed and its Entity Identification Number (EIN)
  • Owner/controller’s name, birth date, and address
  •  Photocopy of a government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license or passport) of every direct or indirect owner or controller of the company

If a company doesn’t file an annual report, it may be penalized with a $500 fine for every day the report is late and its owners could even face imprisonment for up to two years.

When Do Businesses Need to File Their Report and How Can You Extend Your Deadline?

If your company’s formation occurred on or before December 31, 2023, you have until January 1, 2025, to file its CTA report.

If your company was created after January 1, 2024, you’ll need to file your report within 30 days of the company’s creation.

This means if you’re thinking of creating a new company or changing the entity structure of an existing company, doing so before January 1, 2024, will give you a year-long grace period to file the report. Otherwise, once January 1 rolls around, it’ll be too late to take advantage of this extension.

The extension provides a valuable window of time for business owners to understand the reporting requirements thoroughly, gather the necessary information, and engage with legal professionals to ensure they’re in compliance with the Act without the pressure of a 30-day deadline.

The Act’s reporting rules seem straightforward, but the penalties for non-compliance can be substantial. Creating your new business entity by year-end provides a cushion against potential penalties and risks associated with overlooking or misunderstanding reporting requirements. It’s a proactive step that gives your business the advantage of time.

There is no fee for the annual report, and it may be filed electronically with FinCEN.   The system and report are currently under development and won’t be ready to accept submissions until January 1, 2024.

For more information about the annual report, please check out their FAQ page.

Helping You Make Strategic Moves for The Wellbeing of Your Family and Your Business

If you own a family business or you’re thinking of creating a new business entity soon, I encourage you to do it NOW before the end of the year so you can take advantage of the year-long window to file your Corporate Transparency Act report for existing businesses. 

And don’t wait until the end of December to get started, as we anticipate there will be a rush of new business entity filings at the end of December as business owners and their professionals rush to file their creation documents before the new year. If you need assistance filing your report or aren’t sure whether the CTA rule applies to your company, we can help.

Our goal is to guide your family (and business!) through every stage of life and every change in the law through an ongoing relationship with you. Our approach to serving clients doesn’t end when the paperwork is filed. We keep in touch with you and keep you abreast of any changes in the law so you can have peace of mind knowing that your family and assets are well cared for now and in the future.

Schedule a complimentary call with my office to learn more.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

3 Things You Need To Know About Retirement Distributions

If you’re part of a blended family (meaning you are married with children from a prior marriage in the mix), you’re no stranger to the extra considerations and planning it takes to keep your family’s life running smoothly. You’ve also probably given some thought to what you want to happen to your assets and your family if something happens to you. 

But what you might not have realized is this: If you don’t create a plan for your assets before you die, the law has its own plan for you that might not reflect your wishes for your assets, especially your retirement assets. And if you’re in a blended family, this can have a significant financial impact on the ones you love and even create expensive, long-term conflict.

This week, I explain how the law affects retirement distributions for married couples, and why you need to be extra careful with your retirement planning if you’re in a blended family to ensure your retirement account assets go to the right people in the right amounts after you’re gone.

01 | Be Aware of How ERISA Affects 401K Distributions

If you’ve remarried, you and your new spouse have probably talked about updating the beneficiary designations on your retirement accounts to reflect your blended family arrangement. (If you haven’t talked about it, you need to talk about it ASAP). Sometimes, people who are remarried decide to leave their retirement funds to their children from a prior marriage and leave other assets like their house and savings accounts to their current spouse. You may do this to avoid future conflict between your spouse and your children over your assets.

However, if you’re married and your retirement account is a work-sponsored account and you want to leave your retirement for just your children, there are other considerations to make. The federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) governs most employer-sponsored pensions and retirement accounts. Under ERISA, if you’re married at the time of your death, your spouse is automatically entitled to receive 50 percent of the value of your employer-sponsored plan – even if your beneficiary designations say otherwise.

The only time that your surviving spouse would not inherit half of your ERISA-governed retirement account is if your spouse signs an official Spousal Waiver saying they are affirmatively waiving their right to inherit 50 percent of the account, or if the account beneficiary is a Trust of which your spouse is a primary beneficiary. 

02 | IRAs Have Different Rules Than 401Ks

If you want your children to inherit more than 50 percent of your work-sponsored retirement benefits, and completing a Spousal Waiver isn’t an option, consider rolling the account into a personal IRA instead.

In contrast to 401(k)s and similar employer-sponsored plans, IRAs are controlled by state law instead of ERISA. That means that your spouse is not automatically entitled to any part of your IRA. 

When you roll a 401(k) into an IRA, you gain the flexibility to name anyone you choose as the designated beneficiary, with or without your spouse’s consent. 

On the other hand, if you want to ensure your spouse receives half of your retirement savings, make sure to include them as a 50 percent beneficiary or better yet, have your individual retirement account payout to a Trust instead. With a Trust, you can:

  • Document exactly how much of your retirement you want each of your loved ones to receive.
  • Control when they receive the funds outright.
  • Easily update and change the terms of your Trust without having to remember to update your financial accounts.

03 | Beneficiary Designations Always Trump Your Will

Whether you have an employer-sponsored 401K or an IRA you manage yourself, there is one critical rule that everyone needs to know: beneficiary designations trump your Will.

A Will is an important estate planning tool, but most people don’t know that beneficiary designations override whatever your Will says about a particular asset. 

For example, if your Will states that you want your retirement account to be passed on to your brother, but the beneficiary designation on the account says you want it to go to your sister, your sister will inherit the account, even though your Will says otherwise.

Similarly,if you forget to update your ERISA-controlled account and have remarried, your current spouse would receive half of the account and your former spouse would receive the other half. That’s why it’s so important to work with an estate planning attorney who can make sure your accounts are set up with the proper beneficiary designations and ensure that your assets are passed on according to your wishes.

Work With An Attorney Who Makes Sure All Your Assets Will Be Passed On How You Want Them To

Understanding how the law affects different types of assets is essential to creating an estate plan. But there’s more to it than just having a lawyer – you need an attorney who takes the time to really understand your family and your assets so they can design a custom plan that achieves your goals for your assets and your legacy. 

That’s why we help our clients create an inventory of all of their assets to ensure that every asset they hold is accounted for and passed on to their loved ones exactly as they want it to.

Learn more about how we serve our clients differently than most lawyers; schedule a complimentary call with us. We’d be honored to share how our unique process can help your family.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

3 Tips For Discussing Finances With Your Family Over The Holidays

The holidays are right around the corner, which means more time to gather with family and relatives than any other time of the year. If you’ve been meaning to talk with your family about finances, inheritance, end-of-life decisions, estate planning, and creating a plan for your whole family’s wealth – now and in the future – having everyone in the same room is ideal. 

But asking your relatives how they want their assets handled when they die or if they become incapacitated might not go over well while opening presents or carving a turkey. 

To keep your family from feeling blindsided and to make the most of your conversation, consider the following three tips.

01 | Share Your Intention Ahead of Time

To help your loved ones feel at ease, don’t bring up finances and estate planning for the first time while the family is gathered around the TV watching football. Instead, approach the topic weeks ahead of time if possible.

If you have regular visits or phone calls with your loved ones, let them know you’ve been thinking about creating a plan for your own finances and the care of the family in case something happens to you. Casually mentioning that it’s on your mind will help plant the seed for a future conversation with your loved ones and likely get them thinking about their own plan or lack of a plan. 

As your family gathering approaches, bring up the subject again, this time with more intention and detail. Consider asking the host of your family gatherings, whether it’s your sibling, parent, or adult child when the best time would be to have an all-family conversation for 90 minutes. Schedule it and let everyone know that you’ve got something meaningful planned.

If the host pushes back against the idea, respond with curiosity about their experience, what they feel apprehensive about, and if there is a way that you could mitigate their apprehension perhaps by speaking with other family members in advance. 

If you’ve already completed your own planning, use your experience as a springboard for the conversation.

02 | Set Aside a Time and Place to Talk

Be upfront with your family about the meeting’s purpose so no one is taken by surprise and so they come prepared for the discussion. Choose a setting that’s comfortable, quiet, and private. The more relaxed everyone is, the more likely they’ll be comfortable opening up.

Begin by sharing the context of why it’s important to you that your family begin having conversations about finances, life, and death. You may even want to share that the topic is uncomfortable for you, but that it’s important enough that you are willing to be uncomfortable because you know that these conversations can bring your family closer together, create more family resilience, and ensure you are all financially well-cared for. 

Finally, as part of setting context, set a start and stop time for the conversation. Remember, the goal is to simply get the conversation started, not work out all of the details or dollar amounts, so don’t expect this to be the one and only conversation you have – it’s a start.

03 | Share Your Planning Experience  

If you’ve already created your own plan, and it included an inventory of your assets, a look at what is enough, and what would happen to it all when something happens to you (which is what we do during our first Planning Session with you), you can start by explaining how you felt during the process, how easy it was, and how you feel now knowing that your assets and loved ones will be cared for the way you want if something happens to you. 

If you’ve worked with us, describe how the process unfolded and how we supported you to create a plan designed for your unique wishes and needs.

Share any concerns or doubts you initially had about planning and how we worked with you to address them. If you have loved ones who’ve yet to do any planning and have doubts about its usefulness, empathize with them in a supportive and understanding way, and share your own journey learning the benefits of planning for your finances and your wishes.

If you haven’t created a plan yet, or have doubts about a plan you created with another attorney, be open about why you want to create a plan for your life and death, such as a desire to avoid family conflict,  to ensure that a child,  disabled relative, or senior parent is cared for in the future, or to build generational wealth and a legacy for your family. Focus on the benefits that planning will have for both your immediate family and your extended family as a whole.

Bringing Families Together

Speaking with loved ones about finances and estate planning can be difficult, but we can guide and support you in having these intimate discussions with your loved ones. When done right, planning can put your life and relationships into a much clearer focus and offer peace of mind knowing that your assets will be protected and that the people you love most will be provided for no matter what. 

If you haven’t created your own estate plan, doing so before you talk with your family can help your loved ones be more open to the idea and can help them see the incredible benefit of planning from one of their own family members.

Schedule a complimentary call with us to learn more.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

Transition to Adulthood: The Legal Impact of Your Child Turning 18

Soon after the challenges of puberty and the excitement of high school, an even larger milestone looms: the 18th birthday. It marks your child’s transition from childhood to adulthood, and with it new responsibilities and rights. From a legal standpoint, this milestone also brings significant changes that every parent should be aware of. 

In the eyes of the law, an individual is considered a legal adult at the age of 18. This means that your child gains certain rights and privileges, including the ability to enter into contracts, vote, buy property, and make medical decisions for themselves. While this newfound independence is a crucial part of growing up, it can also pose challenges for parents, especially when adult children need their parents’ help or need someone to make decisions on their behalf.

We’ll explore the legal impact of what happens when your child turns 18, what it means for your ability to make legal, financial, and healthcare decisions on their behalf, and what tools you’ll need for a smooth transition to adulthood.

How The Law Changes Your Role As A Parent

On the day your child turns 18, your ability to make legal, financial and healthcare decisions for them essentially disappears in a blink. To give you a sense of how impactful this can be, if your young adult child is hospitalized and unable to communicate their wishes, healthcare providers won’t even legally be able to share your child’s medical information with you. Similarly, financial institutions won’t permit you to access your child’s accounts or make financial decisions on their behalf without their consent – or unless you’re a co-owner of their accounts.

This shift in decision-making authority can feel unsettling and can be particularly challenging if your child is still financially dependent on you, is in a medical emergency, or requires assistance in managing their affairs due to a disability. Thankfully, there are legal tools that can help parents and young adults navigate these new challenges.

Have Their Back With Powers of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal tool that allows your child to designate the person they choose to make legal or healthcare decisions on their behalf. There are two common types of Powers of Attorney that can be valuable in this situation: a General Durable Power of Attorney and a Power of Attorney for Healthcare.  

A General Durable Power of Attorney allows your child to appoint someone to manage their financial affairs in the event they become incapacitated or if they just want help managing their finances. With this in place, you can continue to assist your child with financial matters, even after they turn 18.

The important thing to remember however is that not every financial institution will honor a Power of Attorney, so while every adult should have this legal tool, it’s important to check with your specific institution and possibly set up your child’s accounts in a different way to ensure you have immediate access to them if needed. We’d be happy to discuss which options are best for you and your adult child.

A Power of Attorney for Healthcare grants someone the authority to make medical decisions on your child’s behalf if they are unable to do so, such as medication and treatment options, nutritional needs, and life-support measures. This is crucial to ensure that your child receives the care they want, even if they cannot communicate their preferences.

Only your child can put these measures in place, but encouraging them to create these legal documents is a proactive step in maintaining your ability to assist them when they need it most. 

Stay Informed With a HIPAA Waiver

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of individuals’ medical records. Once your child turns 18, their medical information is protected under HIPAA, and healthcare providers are prohibited from disclosing it to anyone without the patient’s explicit consent – parents and family members included.

To maintain access to your child’s medical information, they must complete a HIPAA waiver. This document permits healthcare providers to share medical information with individuals specified in the waiver, such as parents or trusted family members. 

Having a HIPAA waiver in place can be invaluable during medical emergencies when swift access to medical records is critical. It can also be a valuable tool for young adults who may simply appreciate a parent’s ability to speak to their doctors when they aren’t feeling well or are overwhelmed with the demands of work, college, or both.

Support Their Journey Into Adulthood Through Open Communication

Transitioning to adulthood is a significant step for both parents and children. While legal documents such as Powers of Attorney and a HIPAA Waiver are essential, it’s equally important to have open and honest conversations with your child about their wishes and the responsibilities that come with adulthood.

Discuss their healthcare preferences, financial decisions, and their expectations from you as a parent. Encourage them to consider creating these legal documents not only for your peace of mind but also for their own protection.

We invite you to reach out to our firm to ensure your child has the legal support and protection they need no matter what adulthood brings. 

And if you aren’t sure how to talk with your adult child about these legal tools, we can help you start the conversation from a place of love, compassion, and collaboration.

Schedule a complimentary call today to get started. 

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

Naming Godparents Does Not Create Legal Guardians

As a parent, your top priority is the well-being and future of your children. You plan for their education, health, and happiness, and often this planning includes the tradition of choosing godparents to guide and mentor your children if something happens to you.

While selecting godparents is a meaningful tradition in many cultures, it’s important to understand that naming a godparent is not the same thing as naming a legal guardian for your children.

To put it bluntly, even if you have named godparents, if something happens to you, your children could end up in the care of strangers or in the long-term care of someone you would never want raising your children.

We’ll explain the difference in roles of a godparent and legal guardian and how to ensure your kids are always cared for by the people you choose – no matter what.


A godparent is traditionally someone you name to watch over your child and help them live according to your morals and values. Godparents are meant to be mentors and role models, guiding your child in matters of faith, morality, and character. The role of a godparent is deeply rooted in religious and cultural traditions, and they often participate in religious ceremonies such as baptisms or confirmations.

Whether your family is religious or not, godparents may also play a supportive role in your child’s life by offering emotional support, advice, and friendship. They can be someone your child can turn to for guidance and a listening ear, but their responsibilities are largely informal and non-legal.

Legal Guardians

In contrast, naming a legal guardian for your child is a formal, legal process. A legal guardian is someone who has the legal authority to make decisions on behalf of your child, especially if you, as the parent, are unable to do so. This could occur due to your passing, incapacity, or any situation in which you cannot provide care or make important legal, financial, healthcare or education decisions for your child.

The responsibilities of a legal guardian encompass every area of your child’s life that you would normally manage as a parent. This includes everything from feeding and clothing your child to deciding where they go to school, attending parent-teacher meetings and which extracurricular activities they participate in. Legal guardianship also includes the decisions about where your child lives and what medical treatment they should or should not receive.

A legal guardian may also help manage your child’s financial assets and resources, ensuring their financial well-being. In some cases, if you’ve planned ahead, you may choose to have a different person act as a financial Trustee of the assets you leave for your child, and your chosen Trustee will work alongside the legal guardian to ensure your child is financially supported. In some cases, your guardian and Trustee may be the same person. This is a decision we can help you make based on the specifics of your family dynamics.

Why Naming Godparents Isn’t Enough

While godparents may be deeply caring and involved in your child’s life, they have no legal authority to make decisions for your child unless they are officially appointed as a legal guardian by the court. That means that until that happens, (if it happens) your child’s godparents are not legally able to make any decisions for your children, including their basic care needs, education, and medical care. 

If you become incapacitated or die, and have not legally nominated a guardian (and, ideally, more than one) there could be a complex and expensive custody dispute among your family members, who may assume you would want your children to live under their care rather than the people you named as godparents. This is especially likely if the people you’ve named as godparents are not related to you by blood or marriage. 

Without a legal guardian designation in writing and signed with the formalities of a Will, godparents may find themselves in an expensive court battle over custody rights, and they may not even be named as the legal guardians of your children at all. 

Life-long Legal Protection for Kids

Consider combining the roles of godparents and legal guardians into one. If you’ve already chosen people you trust to serve as lifelong role models and spiritual guardians for your children as their godparents, why not give those people the legal authority to truly perform those duties if something happens to you?

If you aren’t sure who the best guardian or godparent is for your children, we can help. We’ll walk you through a heart-centered process for choosing guardians who genuinely care for your child’s well-being and share your values. Plus, we’ll ensure they have the financial and legal tools needed to give your child the best life possible if you can’t be there.

The best way to keep your children safe and secure is to create a comprehensive Kids Protection Plan®  that keeps your children  in the care of the people you choose in any situation, out of the care of anyone you wouldn’t want, ensures your children  can receive prompt medical care, and that the authorities know who to contact in an emergency so your children are never placed in protective custody.

To learn more and to get started today, schedule a complimentary call with my office.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning Tax

8 Things To Do Now to Lower Your 2023 Taxes – Part 2

Last week we looked at four different ways to lower your tax liability for 2023, from adjusting your tax withholding to strategically planning your medical procedures. In this week’s blog, we discuss four more tax-saving methods you can use right now to owe fewer taxes come April 2024. 

If you missed part 1 of this series, be sure to read it here so you don’t miss out on these money-saving techniques. 

Make Charitable Gifts

Giving back to your community or supporting causes you care about is not only rewarding but can also provide tax benefits if your family’s tax deductions are close to exceeding the standard tax deduction. 

The standard deduction for 2023 is $12,950 for individuals and $25,900 for married couples filing jointly. Remember that the total of your itemized deductions, including charitable contributions, must exceed the standard deduction for your filing status to provide a tax benefit. 

If you’re nearing the top of the standard deduction threshold, this year may be a great time to contribute to a charitable organization that is important to you. Doing so will help support a good cause and allow you to make itemized deductions for an extra reduction in your taxable income for the year.

If you make any charitable donations, keep detailed records of your donations, including receipts and acknowledgments from the charities. If you donate non-cash items (such as clothing or household goods), make sure to document their fair market value. 

If you aren’t sure how to document your donations or aren’t sure if a charitable donation will be advantageous to you this year, be sure to discuss this with your tax professional.

Consider Tax-Loss Harvesting

Tax-loss harvesting is a strategy designed to offset capital gains by selling underperforming investments. This technique can help you minimize the taxes you owe on your investment gains. 

The first step is to identify investments in your portfolio that have experienced losses and then sell those investments to realize the losses. After all, you haven’t actually lost or gained capital until the money enters or leaves your portfolio.

By selling underperforming investments, you can now use the lost capital to offset any capital gains from other investments that are doing well. Losses can be used to offset up to $1,500 for individuals filing separately or up to $3,000 for couples filing jointly.

It’s important to remember that there are rules and limitations when it comes to tax-loss harvesting. Consult with a financial advisor or tax professional to ensure you execute this strategy correctly and in a way that aligns with your overall financial goals.

Pay Your January Mortgage Payment in December

If you’re a homeowner with a mortgage, making your January mortgage payment in December can provide a valuable tax advantage. Mortgage interest is deductible on your income tax return, and prepaying your January mortgage payment in December gives you an extra month of interest to deduct on your 2023 taxes.

However, before implementing this strategy, check with your mortgage lender to ensure that they apply the payment correctly. Some lenders may automatically apply extra payments to your principal balance rather than counting them as interest for the next month.

Max Out Your IRA (Individual Retirement Account) or Roth IRA

Retirement planning is crucial for long-term financial security, and IRAs are excellent vehicles for saving for your golden years. For the 2023 tax year, the maximum contribution limit for both traditional and Roth IRAs is $6,500, with an additional $1,000 allowed for those aged 50 or older. It’s essential to understand the differences between these two types of IRAs to choose the one that suits your needs best.

Traditional IRA contributions may be tax-deductible, potentially reducing your taxable income for the year. However, withdrawals in retirement are subject to taxation.

Roth IRA contributions are made with after-tax dollars, so they don’t provide an immediate tax deduction. However, qualified withdrawals in retirement are entirely tax-free.

By maximizing your contributions to your IRA of choice, you can secure a more comfortable retirement and possibly reduce your tax liability for this year.

The Foundation of Life-Long Support and Security

Proactive year-end tax planning can significantly impact your financial well-being. By implementing these eight tax-saving strategies, you may be able to keep more money in the bank and take a step toward a brighter financial future. 

But good money management is only one part of the equation for a life you love and a legacy that will guide and support your family for generations to come. 

Making the best strategic decisions to protect your family’s health, finances, and happiness is equally, if not more, important. If you want to make sure that both your financial and personal life are in order today and structured to give your family the best support possible tomorrow,  give us a call.

We would be honored to help you protect everything you own and everyone you love through our heart-centered estate planning services.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

8 Things To Do Now to Lower Your 2023 Taxes – Part 1

It might seem a bit early to think about your 2023 taxes, but as the year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to take a closer look at your financial situation and make some strategic moves that can help you minimize your tax liability come April.

Year-end tax planning isn’t something you do at the last minute; it’s a series of thoughtful steps you can start taking right now. In this blog series, we’ll explain eight key actions you can take during this last quarter of the year to save money on your 2023 taxes.

Let’s get started.

Contribute to Your HSA (Health Savings Account)

A Health Savings Account (HSA) can be a powerful tool for both managing your healthcare costs and reducing your taxable income. HSAs allow you to set aside pre-tax dollars to cover future qualified medical expenses. Contributions to your HSA are tax-deductible, and the earnings grow tax-free. To make the most of this tax-advantaged account, consider maximizing your contributions to your HSA before the year ends.

For the 2023 tax year, you can contribute up to $3,650 if you have self-only health insurance coverage or $7,300 for family coverage. If you are 55 or older, you can also make an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution. By increasing your HSA contributions, you not only reduce your taxable income this year but also build a valuable fund for future healthcare expenses.

If your employer offers an HSA account they may make an annual contribution to the account. If you’re self-employed or don’t have access to an employer-sponsored HSA, you can set up your own through most financial institutions.

Even better, the money you contribute to your HSA never expires and can be used years into the future. Just keep in mind that if you’ve taken money out of your HSA this year to pay a medical expense, that withdrawal will be counted as income on this year’s income tax return. 

Contribute to a 529 College Fund

If you have aspirations of sending your children or grandchildren to college, establishing or contributing to a 529 college savings plan is a strategic financial move. These plans offer a tax advantage, as contributions are tax-deductible on the state level. While contributions aren’t deductible on the federal level, any earnings in the account grow tax-free as long as they are used for qualified education expenses.

In 2023, you can contribute as much as you like to a 529 plan, but contributions above $16,000 per year ($32,000 for married couples filing jointly) may be subject to gift tax. Nevertheless, contributing now can help you leverage potential state tax deductions while investing in your loved ones’ future education.

Not sure your child or grandchild will attend college? Funds in a 529 account can also be used for vocational and trade school tuition and fees or elementary and high school tuition costs.

Adjust Your Tax Withholdings

If you are an employee, form W-4 determines how much income tax is withheld from your paycheck each month. It’s essential to review and, if necessary, update your withholding information, especially if you’ve experienced significant life changes such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or changes in your income during the year.

Adjusting your tax withholdings can help you avoid overpaying taxes throughout the year, leaving you with more money in your pocket. On the other hand, failing to update your W-4 could result in underpaying your taxes, which means needing to make a tax payment instead of receiving a refund come tax season, as well as potential penalties. Consult with a tax professional or use the IRS’s online withholding calculator to determine the correct withholding for your specific circumstances.

If you work as a 1099-independent contractor or own a business, you should meet with your tax professional to determine if you need to make any changes to the structure of your business, or establish retirement accounts, before the end of the year. If you need help knowing what to bring to your tax professional, or how to ask the right questions, give us a call. 

Schedule Medical Procedures Strategically

Medical expenses can add up quickly, and the tax code provides a deduction for qualified medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI) for the 2023 tax year. To maximize your deduction, consider scheduling necessary medical procedures before the year ends.

While not every medical need can be planned ahead of time, if you know you’ll need or want an elective surgery, try to schedule it before December 31. Similarly, if you’ve met your out-of-pocket maximums for health or dental insurance, now is the time to get all members of your family in for any remaining check-ups or follow-up procedures.

If you don’t think they’ll meet the threshold for medical deductions this year but anticipate a large medical bill like a birth or surgery next year, consider delaying any unnecessary medical work until January to take advantage of the medical expenses deductions next year.

Be sure to keep detailed records of your medical expenses, including bills, receipts, and insurance statements, to support your deduction claims.

Looking Out for Your Family and Your Finances

Looking at your finances and seeing where you can save money on your taxes isn’t just about finishing the year off strong and getting organized for tax season. It’s about making strategic moves that position you for success now and help protect and support your loved ones in the future. 

To make sure your family is cared for no matter what the future holds, schedule a complimentary 15-minute call. We’d be happy to talk with you about how we guide our clients to create a plan that protects their assets and their family for years to come.

And don’t forget to tune in for part two of our year-end tax planning series, where we’ll explore even more strategies to help you keep more of your money where it belongs – in your pocket.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

Estate Planning

Flu Season Fundamentals: How to Keep Seniors Safe This Fall

The fall season is a beautiful time of year, but it also marks the beginning of flu season, which can pose a serious threat to your elderly loved ones. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to ensure their well-being during the colder days ahead, including making sure you’re able to step in and help them with their medical and financial needs.

Keep reading to find out how.

1 | Create a Power of Attorney For Healthcare

A Power of Attorney (POA) for Healthcare (sometimes called a Medical Power of Attorney) is a legal document that authorizes someone you trust to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to do so yourself. If your senior loved one still needs to get a POA for Healthcare in place, now is the time to create one. 

If they do have a POA for Healthcare, but it’s been a while since they created it, it’s time to review it to ensure it accurately reflects their current medical wishes and appoints a trusted individual as their agent for making healthcare decisions on their behalf. 

Having a POA for Healthcare in place for your senior can provide peace of mind knowing that you or another trusted person can immediately step in and care for them during times of illness or incapacity, such as a severe case of the flu or pneumonia.  A POA for Healthcare can also be used if you need to make a medical decision for your loved one during surgery or if they develop long-term memory problems. 

Important: ensure that the POA for Healthcare for your senior loved one (or yourself) includes “living will” provisions either included in the POA or in a separate document, stating not just who should make decisions for you or your loved one, but how you would want those decisions to be made.

2 | Sign a HIPAA Waiver

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations are in place to protect an individual’s medical information. However, during flu season, it’s important to have the ability to communicate with your senior’s doctors to stay informed about their health.

A signed HIPAA waiver allows healthcare providers to share medical information with the individuals they’ve authorized to receive it. This can be crucial for keeping family members and caregivers in the loop about your senior loved one’s health status and treatment plans. 

Whether your senior is feeling too ill to call their provider or needs help understanding their doctor’s instructions, a HIPAA waiver allows you to speak directly to your loved one’s provider to make caring for them as quick and easy as possible.

3 | Schedule a Check-Up

Before flu season is in full swing, it’s wise to schedule a comprehensive check-up for your senior loved ones with their healthcare provider. A check-up allows for a thorough assessment of their health, identification of any potential risks, and ensures that chronic conditions are being properly managed.

This proactive approach can help catch and manage new health issues early on and prevent complications down the line. Plus, having a check-up now will hopefully let your senior avoid the need to visit a crowded clinic waiting room during peak flu season because a health issue wasn’t detected sooner. 

Don’t forget to bring a copy of your senior’s Power of Attorney for healthcare and their HIPAA Waiver to their provider’s office so they can scan it into their patient file to have it on hand and ready if needed.

4 | Create a General Durable Power of Attorney

To avoid exposure to the flu, colds, and rainy weather fall brings, many seniors appreciate the ability to stay closer to home. You can help keep them safe and make sure their daily needs are taken care of using a General Durable Power of Attorney.  This legal tool lets your senior appoint people they trust to take care of non-medical decisions and tasks, like going to the bank, paying bills, or making purchases.

Consider setting up or updating a General Durable Power of Attorney to grant this authority when needed. Just note that not all banks and financial institutions honor a General Durable Power of Attorney, so contact your bank to verify if they do and then contact us right away to set up your loved one’s affairs in a way to ensure you can instantly step in to help with their banking needs regardless of their General Durable Power of Attorney.

Proactively Keeping Your Loved Ones Safe and Healthy

Caring for your seniors’ well-being goes beyond routine medical check-ups and yearly physicals. When flu season rolls around, it’s important to take a proactive approach to ensure your senior loved ones can count on you for support in managing their needs. By doing so, you’ll help them access the best possible care that aligns with their wishes.

By following these fundamental steps you’ll help ensure your loved ones stay safe, healthy, and cared for during the fall season and the new year ahead. 

To make sure your senior has the legal tools they need to stay safe and healthy this year, schedule a complimentary 15-minute call with my office. We’ll be happy to share how we support our clients from a place of service and how we can make sure your entire family is well cared for now and in the future.

Contact us today to get started.

This article is a service of August Law, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning™ Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. 

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer® firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.

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